Sunday, August 1, 2010

I found my thrill... on Saskatoon Hill...

Ask anyone who lives in Saskatoon Berry country and they'll tell you they have a favorite spot to pick.

Mine favorite spot is way off the beaten path and I tend to be a bit vague when I tell people where I go.

The Saskatoon Bushes are twice as tall as I am with berries the size of small cherries. Of course, the size of the berries also depends on the amount of rain we've had, but I have a great spot regardless.

Being a serious picker I go equipped with a great system. A small bucket attached to a belt at my waist for hands free picking and several bigger buckets to empty my full one into. I like to keep the bigger buckets in a cooler in the trunk of my vehicle.

I also take lots of water, my camera, binoculars (my spot has a fantastic view of a valley and the wind towers), some mosquito spray and hand wipes for very sticky hands.

The berries are ready and I had my first picking. Someone else likes my spot and this year they got there before me. I'm OK with that because not only is there more than enough berries, but they made trails through the underbrush so I have less scratches on my legs.

So, if you are here in Saskatoon Berry season, grab your buckets and your belt and head out of town on any one of many country roads that are lined with Saskatoon bushes.

Make sure you eat as many as you put in the bucket. Do you have a great recipe for Saskatoon pie? Mmmmm...

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