Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Annual Cabin Fever Winter Festival at Mattson's Farm in Dawson Creek

The annual Cabin Fever Winter Festival hosted by the Mattson Family took place on a very cold, clear February day this year. We were all dressed up in our warmest winter clothes to be outside.

It was a day of visiting, laughing, eating, dancing, playing and stiff competition between neighbors and visitors alike.

The kids with their rosey cheeks had a great time racing the "Board Walk" (modified three legged race where they have to walk together with feet strapped into two short pieces of lumber and also testing their skills in the "Snowball Toss."

Adult Competitions:

"Tea-Boiling" - contestants had to run to grab a hatchet and kindling and light a fire with no paper and ten matches only and bring a pot of water to a rolling boil – first one to drop a bag of tea in the pot was declared the winner.

"Cross-Cut" Sawing - teams of two people sawing a slice from a big log with an antique cross-cut saw.

"Bale Rolling Race" - Teams rolling 1500 pound bales of hay a specific distance.

"Mitt Mayhem" – This was the best! Contestants struggled to open a canned drink and make a peanut butter and jam sandwich wearing large bulky snowmobile mitts.

The competitions were fierce! The winners were thrilled!

There was a beautiful team of Shire Horses giving sleigh rides. Hot food was served in the warm barn and we had a warm-up fire and hay bale wind break to make the outdoor event comfortable even with the bitter winter day.

The festival ended with a barn dance in "Albert's Loft" with old timey music by the Sweetwater Ramblers.

The festival was a great way to shake off the winter with friends and laughs.


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