Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Man Made Marvel of the Peace River Country.

I have evolved into the unofficial tour guide for friends and family when they visit.

A favorite day trip from Dawson Creek is to the W.A.C. Bennett Dam on Williston Lake. It takes about an hour and a half to get there and is the perfect way to spend a day visiting and seeing something amazing at the same time.

It's a real treat to drive across the dam itself, it's huge!

The trip wouldn't be complete without taking the bus tour deep into the belly of the dam on the bus. You will have to wear a hard hat.

The guided tour costs six dollars for adults and lasts about an hour.

Once I get over my immediate feeling of claustrophobia, I really enjoy the tour. The air once you are underground is cool and you can feel the energy vibrate and hum in the stone all around.

Visitors are always blown away by the project.

My Dad worked on the Dam from start to finish, so I have lots of stories to tell them, like the day the water was first released and the bear clinging to a floating log being swept away...


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